Saturday, March 31, 2012

Super Massive Black Hole Formation

"Super Massive Black Hole Formation"," Since black holes take in matter, over time they grow. Most super massive black holes exist within the center of galaxies. So, are they the result of the joining of many smaller black holes? It is quite possible that they can form in this way, but I believe the majority of them form in a different manner. I maintain that there is an evolution to everything, including the universe. If there was one, and it does not matter what beginning we start with. That we have the material needed to build ourselves a galaxy. In this case there would be a little added step in the evolutionary scale. Any unstable, exotic particles would disappear as the universe began to cool. Some rather like Guth's Inflation theory. The expansion would be extremely fast, perhaps exceeding the speed of light. The steady state maintains the universe has and always will exist much as it has. The Osculating universe maintains that the universe expands and contracts in a never ending cycle of beginnings and ends. The evolution of the universe fits nicely with my Nothing Universe hypothesis. For more on this idea, you can read my article entitled, ""The Nothing Universe"". Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe followed by helium. Helium formed next, thanks to star formation. Within this expanse of hydrogen, stars began to take shape as enough hydrogen came together to sustain fusion. All over this cloud, proto stars are forming as them known stellar objects in the universe. At this point all of the hydrogen has separated as dictated by gravity and galaxies are beginning to form. Proto stars are starting to form, but there is too much matter in this region. These super massive stars could have existed in the center of each galaxy, but there life spans would be extremely short. Since there is so much material in this region of space that even if a super massive star forms it can not maintain hydrostatic equilibrium. The core generation would be enough to over come its own gravity, in theory. Eventually one of these stars collapsed to form a black hole, which immediately began to feed on the surrounding material. There is the other possibility that Multiple black holes form in this region, consuming the material around it until there is nothing left to feed on but each other. I believe that one large black hole forms and then consumes the abundant material around it, that is present in the center of these young galaxies. In the outer, less dense regions, the remaining material has come together to form stars. The death of these stars will provide the material for the next stage in the evolution of our universe, the formation of solar systems. The ones at the center of each galaxy form as a result of the evolution of a galaxies formation. Super massive ones form here. . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  

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Earth Core Spin Cycle for Geo Thermal Launching of Rockets into Space

"Earth Core Spin Cycle for Geo Thermal Launching of Rockets into Space"," We know that the moon is not round and we can be pretty certain that the Earth's core is not round. Every four hundred years the core makes an additional revolution to the Earth's number of revolutions. These friction areas will have supreme pressure build ups, which can be timed and we can use this information to our advantage. Then I propose that we send down capsules we wish to send into space and lower them down the hole. Imagine the capsule blasting into space through the atmosphere using geo-thermal power and why not, it is energy and a heck of a lot more than we can muster and it is there all the time waiting for us. Think on this Sci Fi, thought, it could work? . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  


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Atomic Clock to Be Attached to International Space Station

"Atomic Clock to Be Attached to International Space Station"," The PHARAO (Projet d'Horloge Atomique par Refroidissement d'Atomes en Orbite) atomic clock is to attached to the ISS in an effort to more accurately test Einstein's theory of relatively as well as increasing the accuracy of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) amongst other geodesy experiments. PHARAO is to be launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2013. By placing this accurate clock into orbit the effect of Earth's gravity is lessened allowing PHARAO to be more accurate than Earth based clock. These clocks have been around since the 1960's but their increasing development has paved the way for more and more advanced technologies. Computer networks receive time signals from atomic clocks via NTP time servers (Network Time Protocol) which can accurately synchronise a computer network to within a few milliseconds of UTC. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE

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Can We Launch Things Into Space from an Underground Tube?

"Can We Launch Things Into Space from an Underground Tube?"," And recently a think tank member in an online think tank re-introduced this concept but added a mag levitation system to accelerate it in a long tube in a vacuum and then shoot it into space? Think tank member Joe calls this a Tubes Launch System and states; What about a possible new type of launch system for a ground launch of a space vehicle built a mag level rail system in side of a vacuum tube long enough to gain high ground speed with the exit set at the proper angle to get craft into flight orbit, here again there are many questions, one would be what would happen to the craft when it exits the vacuum at a very high speed. Of course in my idea in the link above I took some argumentative statements for it, as you can see. Why not modify this technology like in science fiction movies and use an accelerator like they do at SLAC or one of the other particle accelerators to launch into space. I think it was written up in Popular Mechanics or Popular Science in the 1980's as well and the rough concept appeared in a Hollywood James Bond Movie too. Of course even electronics unravel at 18-28 G's. So, consider this in 2013 TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  

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Playing Billiards in a Space Colony

"Playing Billiards in a Space Colony - New Materials and Equipment for the Zero Gravity Environment"," But have you ever considered what would happen if you were playing billiards in an orbiting space hotel, at the ISS, or in an orbiting human habitat colony? There wouldn't be any gravity to keep any of the balls on the table. Now then, how are we going to keep the balls on the table? Perhaps we could put a plastic plate over the table, and when you went to hit the ball, you could merely open up the plastic plate near the cue ball so you could use your cue stick to hit it. Then after the ball was hit it would roll between the plastic plate and the felt table. The other day I brought up this concept at our think tank and one of the members suggested we use a magnetic table with magnets inside the balls, as this would keep them from flying away. In the future there will be space hotels, and probably drinking establishments or bars in space. Yes, I imagine people will play cards, and billiards, in space. Therefore, the innovators and inventors of our time need to get working on this problem because the future of sports will include space billiards too. If you have any comments or questions, please shoot me an e-mail. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE

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Hibernating Humans for Space Flight

"Hibernating Humans for Space Flight"," Scientists have successfully hibernated mice spontaneously using hydrogen sulfide gas. Theoretically it should be possible and will most likely work. This maybe an ideal way to hibernate humans for long-term space-travel to distant stars, for instance to Alpha Centari and back. We know other mammals hibernate such as; bears, ground hogs, etc. Every once in a while, there is an adult case of hibernation in the instance of a drowning in icy waters. Traveling to Mars and back ought to be easy and save weight and space for food and water supplies. Think on it, as NASA is right now. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE

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"The Future of Private Space Flight and Some Concerns With Sensitive Technology Discussed"

"The Future of Private Space Flight and Some Concerns With Sensitive Technology Discussed"," It was a highly successful program, and it had delivered over three decades with an incredible safety record, much better than was anticipated. NASA should be commended. More or less, this is a practice run, but it is a good sign for the future. Sounds great to me, of course I am worried about that technology being used by rogue nation-states to further develop ICBM technologies, not that they can't buy such hardware from China, but it is a problematic challenge in a less than peaceful world in the present period. He also was not too comfortable with the talk about canceling the International Space Station by the Obama Administration, and wasn't too keen on the cancellation of the space shuttle program. e. I think we can do better than the Space Shuttle, we have better technologies now of course. We ought to have a base station on Mars, and colony on the moon by now and space hotels too, perhaps at LaGrange Points. I tell you socialism is a real problem in this county, it will destroy this great nation if we let it. The article stated; ""NASA is at a crossroads. ""I firmly believe if we lose this talent, it won't be to another state or industry, but to another country,"" and ""Logically, I understand that it's time to retire the Space Shuttle and move on to something else, the frustrating thing is that there doesn't seem to really be a plan that's specific in the details for that something. We are not a weak society, or a weak civilization, and we must propel mankind; because if we do not take a leadership role, who on this earth will? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  

"A New Era Of Space Travel Is On The Horizon"

"A New Era Of Space Travel Is On The Horizon"," In fact as many as two million people each year would take the journey beyond the outer limits of Earth's gravity. Therefore, it really is not hard to understand the interest in commercial space travel by private business. However, the company that is closest to becoming the industry pioneer is Virgin Galactic. Eager future space travelers should consider that the development of Virgin Galactic's Space Ship Two is nearly completed and could be performing test flights by the end of the year into space. The larger and more powerful, Space Ship Two, is being built to accommodate two pilots and six passengers. Initially, Virgin Galactic has ordered five spaceships to begin the business of commercial space travel and tourism. The spaceport will be the first commercial space launch and control facility in the United States. It will feature a mission control station, runways, and the Virgin Galactic headquarters. Customers that want to experience commercial space travel have been lining up for tickets. William Shatner, Sigourney Weaver, and Paris Hilton are reported to be among the early space tourists while hundreds of others have put down more than thirty million dollars in deposits to reserve their seat for a flight on Virgin's Spaceships. Passengers will spend just under 10 minutes in space at an altitude of only 65 miles, high enough to experience free fall and to see the curvature of the earth. Already the United States Federal Aviation Administration has published its guidelines for commercial space travel, one hundred and twenty three pages of regulations that require disclosure and passenger training. Also required is pre flight training for passengers in order to be properly prepared to handle emergencies such as a fire or loss of cabin pressure. It is expected that once people experience future commercial space travel, that they will want to make space their ultimate vacation destination. Robert Bigelow, who made his fortune with hotel chain Budget Suites Of America, is already working on a prototype orbiting hotel. His orbiting hotel venture is being developed under the corporate name of Bigelow Aerospace. It is the first in a series of launches scheduled every six months for the next two and a half years. The project is a prototype for cheap, livable, interconnecting rooms for commercial use in space similar in design to the International Space Station. Robert Bigelow has since purchased the rights to the patent of the technology for his Genesis prototype. It will surely represent another small step for the creativity of man and a potentially giant leap to profitable opportunity for business and commercial enterprise of every kind. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE

Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Explore the Night Sky Without a Telescope

"How to Explore the Night Sky Without a Telescope"," For example five of the planets are often readily visible with the naked eye. To maximize what you can see in the night sky there are a few things you should do as preparation. And this includes the moon. Its brightness will wash out many of the dimmest and most dramatic objects in the sky. Make sure you dress appropriately for the weather and bring extra layers of clothing if you are observing during cold months. Bring along any items to help your comfort like a lawn chair or a reclining lawn chair so you can look up without craning your neck. This means get away from street lights, city lights, house lights, or any other type of light source. If this is not possible then try to find the darkest spot you can. This will decrease your ability to see the dimmer objects. It takes your eyes up to a half an hour to fully adjust to the darkness outside. Equipment and stuff to bring along Get some star maps, planet charts, and reference materials and bring them right outside with you. But it will be dark outside so you won't be able to read them! And if you turn on some kind of a light or flashlight your night vision will be ruined. Cover your flashlight with some type of red cellophane or tape so it only gives off a dim red glow. You can buy flashlights with red covers online, at astronomy and optical shops, or even at military surplus stores. And the best viewing will be when it is only a think crescent. With a full or near full moon the light hits the surface of the moon directly and casts no shadows. You can see this galaxy as a band of diffuse light that stretches across the sky. Every star and constellation map will show you where the milky way stretches across the sky. Each constellation represents an object, animal, or historic figure; and learning the story behind them can also be a lot of fun. They form the background that everything moves within and they give you a frame of reference for finding these objects. The Planets - The planets move around in the sky quite a bit and sometimes they are too close to the position of the sun which means they are not visible at night but five of the planets, when in the right position are easily visible with the naked eye. And often times these planets are the brightest objects in the sky. One rule of thumb for figuring out whether something is a star or a planet is whether or not it twinkles. So if you locate an object that you believe is a planet you can watch it for several minutes to see if it twinkles like other stars. Colorful Stars - Stars are not all white. Stars come in a wide variety of brilliant colors and some of the more notable ones are the bright red Betelgeuse in Orion, the bright light-blue Rigel in Orion, the yellowish-white Altair in Aquila, and the bright red Antares in Scorpio. It can also be quite easy because some of the brightest stars in the sky are also very colorful from white to blue and red. These are the Andromeda galaxy and the Hercules Nebula. Once you start getting familiar with the constellations you should look for these two objects. Periodic and occasional Objects The night sky is filled with a lot of objects that come and go in different patterns. This is when the Earth passes through clouds of space debris. Some meteor showers can give as many as 120 falling stars every hour. But occasionally a comet will become very bright and be easily visible with the naked eye. It is a extraordinarily rich environment with objects of all kinds. All you need is dark skies, a few charts, and a little bit of time. WHAT'S UP  
Night Sky,Telescope


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Information You Are Looking For About The International Space Station (ISS)"

"Information You Are Looking For About The International Space Station (ISS)"," The project set of from its home planet in 1998 when the first two components, the Unity and Zarya modules, where launched into space. The ISS is an experiment in design, development and assembly of an orbital space facility. Its main functions are: o Habitat for the crew o A command post for orbital operations o Rendezvous and berthing of smaller orbiting vehicles o Orbital micro gravity and life science experiments o Test bed for new technologies involving life support and robotics o Platform for astronomical and earth observations When finished it will have a mass of 1 million pounds, it will measure +- 360 feet across and 290 feet long. The whole project will be 4 times larger than the Russian MIR space station. 6 degrees. It also covers 85% of the globe so that 95% of the world population is able to see it. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  


"The International Space Station Elements - All You Need To Know"

"The International Space Station Elements - All You Need To Know"," It is not only a laboratory, but also and command post for orbital operations, a habitat for the crew, and a port rendezvous and berthing of smaller orbiting vehicles. It was built in Russia for the US. It provided power, communications and altitude control functions. o The Service Module (SM) was the first fully Russian contribution to the ISS. o The pressurized Mating Adapters also known as PMAs are three conical adapters that allow the Space Shuttle and other Russian modules to attach to the Node's berthing system mechanisms. S. o The Nodes. Unity, or Node 1, was the first launched US built element and it is used to connect US and Russian segments. Node 3 will provide habitation functions like hygiene and sleeping compartments, but it is still in progress. . 


"UFOs Don't Exist Because ET Doesn't Exist"

"UFOs Don't Exist Because ET Doesn't Exist"," They advocate not just a 'rare Earth' hypothesis, but a 'unique Earth' hypothesis. A few UFO skeptics do tone down that argument by acknowledging that extraterrestrial life forms exist as in extraterrestrial microbes, plants and multi-cellular animals but that extraterrestrial intelligences don't exist. Even if extraterrestrial intelligence exists, only humans have invented technology, and even if aliens have invented technology, well those dumb alien bastards exterminated themselves within a short time frame after discovering chemical, biological and radiological warfare technology. So are we alone in the Universe? That's a question that's been asked by millions of philosophers, scientists and the general public over the eons, without, to date resolution. We want to get to know our neighbours across the street, not their pets, or their plants. There's unfortunately one slight flaw in that statistical approach. Depending on whom you talk to, that chain can be extremely long indeed. If any one factor is as close to zero as makes no odds, then the overall answer will also be as close to zero as makes no odds. That's relative to biologists (being life scientists), who considerably hedge their bets and who it must be said are presumably better qualified to pass judgments. 7 billion years to play with since the origin of our Universe (that Big Bang event); with billions and billions of stars in our own galaxy alone; with billions and billions of galaxies scattered throughout the cosmos each with billions and billions of stars therein, with extra-solar planets (potential cosmic real estate for E. ) being discovered around many of those stars in our own galaxy at a rapid rate of knots, (and by implication planetary systems should exist in other galaxies as well); with the chemical elements required for life commonplace throughout the Universe; with the principles of Darwinian evolution given as universal, what odds that we are really the proverbial 'It'? And what are the implications for UFOs being the manifestations of extraterrestrials? When it comes down to the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), it's only our own Milky Way Galaxy we need concern ourselves with. Interstellar travel, travel within the confines of our own galaxy however, is quite another matter. It would be a very brave scientific soul to suggest, given those sorts of statistics, that we are, even in our own galaxy, the proverbial 'It'; not just the new kid on the block, but the first and only kid on the block. So in summary to that first objection that only terrestrial life exists: 1) The Universe is a bio-friendly Goldilocks Universe - we're here after all. 3) The appropriate chemicals, organic chemicals, and biochemicals; appropriate life producing and sustaining chemistry full stop, are present throughout the cosmos. Ultimately, what this all boils down to are three key points: 1) whether or not extraterrestrial intelligence exists, and if so, 2) does extraterrestrial technology, technology that can get E. from there to here, evolve of necessity? 3) Lastly, having evolved a sophisticated advanced boldly going technology, how long do you have it for? Translated, we need to answer whether or not Darwinian evolution, natural selection, will favor intelligence, technology and long-term survival. Translated, they adopt the more religious point of view that humans (and human intelligence) were created in the image of God and therefore no other intelligences can exist. An answer to that issue, that extraterrestrial life exists, but not extraterrestrial intelligence (for religious reasons or otherwise), is yet again that not even respectable SETI scientists would propose this as an objection to the UFO ETH since again that would undermine their own work. The Earth provides a practical example of that. It is possible to evolve extremely high levels of intelligence. If Mother Nature can evolve one biological highly intelligent species, She can do it again, and again, and again on other worlds. Once you have multicellular critters (like ferns and cows) that have survived and thrived in a reasonably stable part of the Universe over many generations, will they evolve intelligence? I mean finding an extraterrestrial equivalent of a trilobite is all well and good, but we want to find neighbours more like ourselves. The issue now is having evolved to a multicellular stage (like trees and magpies and buffalo), will organisms develop some higher brain function? Is there any further evolutionary advantage towards increasing one's intelligence? By going back to our sample of one, if Earth is any guide, the answer is roughly 'not likely'. There are apparently only a very few species that have evolved something beyond the minimum level of brain power required for their day-to-day survival. By far and away, most multicellular critters just operate on pure instinct and don't (can't) stop to figure things out (far less stop to smell and appreciate the roses) - but, there are a few exceptions. I mean I adore my cats, but neither is a little furry Einstein. In the invertebrate kingdom, the octopus is pretty smart - by invertebrate standards (and then some if one is honest). Take my cats. Clearly brain-power has survival-of-the-fittest attributes. However, it would be illogical to say that developing intelligence, the ability to figure things out, isn't valuable and doesn't have any survival value; it's just that if you were to list all the multicellular animal species on Planet Earth, very few would have an IQ of even one (the human average is 100). That's a rather 'have your cake and eat it too' position. Here on Earth, just about all mammals and birds, and some exceptional invertebrates (the cephalopods like squid and the octopus), have reasonable IQ's at least when compared to bacteria, plants, insects, fish, etc. But, the fact remains, the ability to think, to figure things out, can only increase your odds of survival and leaving behind more offspring. Since we assume your intelligent alien neighbours are fairly far away and you want to discover them, and then maybe communicate with them, that poses a problem. In a terrestrial analogy, you have a barrier like an ocean or vast desert or mountain range separating you from them so it's difficult to hike or swim the distance. Once you do establish 'first contact', you'd like to keep in touch. That introduces one additional complication for the UFO ETH; it's not enough to just be intelligent. Then, and only then, will the 'are we alone?' question be answered to our absolute satisfaction. We need technology if we are to find (maybe communicate with) extraterrestrial intelligence(s); and/or extraterrestrial intelligence(s) will need technology to find us. There's also a hidden assumption here - you actually want to seek out new civilizations. Curiosity and associated intelligence, or intelligence and associated curiosity are two sides of the same coin. There's the human species of course, and though while we're not quite a sample of one, there having been other hominoid species with some IQ capacity (like Neanderthals), its pretty close to being a sample of one. Alas, most intelligent species lack the anatomy and/or the right environment to manipulate objects. So, developing technology has to be rated, judging from our terrestrial sampling, as rather low; otters using rocks to break open clams not withstanding. The evolution of technology isn't inevitable and have a lot of just-so factors attached. ) than can be turned into useful tools, and of course most important a suitable supply of energy sources. Water worlds are out of the running since it's difficult to discover and utilise fire in that sort of environment. Birds have wings that are off the ground, but since wings aren't good at making tools, that seems to rule out wings, and all birds of a feather, pretty much as well as tool makers. It might be conceivable that you can build up a technology using your mouth parts and/or using a tail (if you have one) to manipulate and build things, but we don't have obvious terrestrial case studies, although you might argue that bees, wasps, termites, ants and birds can build elaborate structures using just their mouths. Technology is also a double-edged sword. You wouldn't be hard-pressed to come up with dozens of technological inventions that have enabled us to survive longer and thrive better and be ever more fruitful and multiply. Longevity Third Lastly, there's the issue of longevity. But if you're both on the block for twenty years, that allows lots of time for afternoon teas, philosophical chats, bridge games, etc. But if you're an optimist, then the sky's the limit. Lots of technological advancements have, like controlling energy sources such as fire, developing a sustainable food supply via agriculture, the rise of modern medicine and food preservation technologies. Toxic this, pollutant that, nuclear the next thing; then throw in a bit of global warming; the rise of urban city living with overcrowding and in general overpopulation; chemical, biological and radiological warfare/terrorism; instruments of warfare in general, like guns; the overuse of antibiotics hence the rise of antibiotic resistant germs; exposure to electromagnetic fields - well, the list of horrors or potential horrors keeps on keeping on and on. Assuming humanity as a collective whole doesn't end up going the way of the Dodo within the next several generations, even centuries - whether it actually morally deserves to go extinct is another question - then what?. If you could come back 1000 years hence, would you indeed find a human civilization, indeed find recognizable 'humans' at all? Once you have evolved to the stage of being a multicellular critter with intelligence and advanced technology, then physics, chemistry and plain everyday evolutionary biology are no longer in control of your evolution. The age of the designer baby is already here, albeit still in its infancy (pun intended). In fact, it's possible that in 1000 years time there could be two humanoid species on Earth. The first is not too difficult a swallow. ). Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? What about a hearing aid? Perhaps you have an artificial joint(s) or a heart pacemaker. Then there's artificial skin and all manner of other internal or external types of technology that have replaced your failed flesh-and-blood - like kidney dialysis. What further artificial bio-bits will be available in another 20 years, another 50 years, or another 200 years? The era of ""RoboCop"" or a real life ""Six-Million Dollar Man"" (and ""Woman"") is getting close to fruition. Why? Well, does the word 'immortality' (or as close to immortality as makes no odds) suggest a possible reason? You don't think anything of endlessly replacing worn automobile parts for new parts to extend the useful lifetime of your car. Replace it - transfer it to a more durable technology. In fact, one might create a mega-mind or super-mind by merging into an 'iron-and-silicon' body containing a lot of minds (in much the same way as computer hardware can have a lot of operating software programs. Once your mind is contained in an 'iron-and-silicon' 'head', just attach that to an all 'iron-and-silicon' 'body'. Immortality indeed! All of which leads to a future Earth inhabited by a humanoid robot species, artificially evolved from today's human species. Research into artificial intelligence is ever ongoing. Think of those robots from ""Westworld"" or the ""Futureworld"" sequel where nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong, go wrong, go wrong. It might be just science fiction today - could it be science fact tomorrow? There doesn't seem to be any violation of physics involved. But I suspect it will happen. Quite apart from immortality (well quasi-immortality anyway) arguments, its nice having more indestructible bodies and bodies that can be more easily repaired. Presumably, your mind will be able to absorb 10, 100, 1000 times the amount of experiences, memories, knowledge, etc. You might be able to explore environments now closed to you, like taking a stroll across the sea bottom - many kilometres down - in your 'iron-and-silicon' robotic 'birthday' suit. What's the hardest part of going to Mars? - it's the flesh-and-blood frailty of the human body - the need for gravity, oxygen, organic food, water, space suits, and that you can't carry spare flesh-and-blood parts along. Even if you don't want to go yourself, well, there's artificial intelligence housed in perhaps nanotechnology bodies, spreading throughout the cosmos like so much a cancer analogy. So, overall, UFOs might not be alien spaceships right here and now, because it's 1) somewhat relatively hard to evolve multicellular organisms (but obviously not impossible); 2) will intelligence tend to have evolutionary survival? 3) Associated advanced technology isn't inevitable and might even be counterproductive. Thus, Earth, with its multicellular critters and humanity with its technology, might be quite the rare planet within the Universe - according to some. There's always a catch. Few pundits would like to bet against that ONE, given, in the immortal words of the late Carl Sagan, a statistical possibility of 'billions and billions'. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  

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"History Of Astronomy"

"History Of Astronomy"  
"History Of Astronomy"," From Stonehenge to Galileo to the Hubble telescope, the following article details the history of astronomy Stonehenge The Egyptians, Mayans, and Chinese were all avid observers of the heavens. Stonehenge was important for religious reasons, but people also believed the stars could help guide their lives and foretell events. The stars were also a guide in the sky, used by sailors to navigate journeys. In 256 BCE the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth using the angles of shadows cast by the sun. The Telescope Although Arabic astronomers and astrologers made advances over the next centuries, modern astronomy began with the invention of the telescope by Dutch lens maker Hans Lippershey in 1608. Early telescopes were limited because their glass lenses tended to distort the images. A string of discoveries soon followed, including the discovery two new planets, Uranus (1781) and Neptune (11845). In 1801, the discovery of the first asteroid, Ceres, started a flood of new objects in the heavens as the tools astronomers work with have grown in variety and sophistication. Technological advances made possible huge telescopes like the one at Mount Palomar which has a 200-inch mirror. The best known of these is the Hubble Telescope, launched into Earth orbit by space shuttle Discovery in 1990. Amateur Astronomy Astronomy is unusual because amateurs remain an important part of the search for new knowledge, discovering supernovas, comets, and other objects. Levy-and it's only one of 22 comets he has found! The future of astronomy is as bright as the stars astronomers study-and for the rest of us as well. . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  

"Big Bang Theory Suggests God Exists?"

"Big Bang Theory Suggests God Exists?"," The theory is also supported by the Doppler's effect of red shift of light. So there seems some source that prevailed earlier that gave rise to billions of galaxies namely the cosmic egg. The cosmic egg under high temperature and pressure burst itself up violently giving rise to the matter that we see in the universe today. Certainly god did not created it with his divine act of creation or that it existed forever as it is no less than a science fiction. If God gave birth to god then we end up in an endless regression. According to Hindu mythology God Brahma slept for some period then after some rest gave birth to the universe we see today. Whatever was not explainable or where people couldn't find a reasonable explanation to explain the birth of the cosmos they incorporated a divine act responsible for the creation. Some scientists believe that the cosmos came from nothing or that everything started from nothing. Theory fails to answer this question otherwise its explanation of how universe got created from the big bang of the cosmic egg to the present-day state is immaculate. Is it possible that our universe came from such multi-dimensional universe and through an invisible dimension which is not known to humanity? Many physicists now believe in multi-dimensional world. Einstein proposed his theory of relativity based on four dimensions of space that is the three dimensions as well as time. It is black in the sense that even light could not pass through it. Warm holes the invisible gateway to the other dimensional world is also seemed as possibility. Then there might be multiple big bangs that are many cosmic eggs or that only one egg was enough to create this multiple universes. What was before big bang did time exist, did anything at all was there? Such questions sound philosophical which needs answers. The ideas of Galileo and Copernicus got banished like nothing. Galileo got sentenced to trial because of his discovery of the heavenly bodies and his support for heliocentric theory. Church did not believe in the discoveries of heavens and other astronomical ideas simply because it believed in the orthodox theory that whatever is there is due to god and that there is no reason for finding out what is there in the universe at all. Stephen hawking suggested that big bang theory holds and that nothing could be said about what prevailed before the big bang. It is right that physicists have no answer to the Question of existence before the Big bang. So again science and the religion come face to face about explaining the origin of the universe. If god created the universe that means god exists and if science can explain any other theory that could beautifully explain the origin of the universe without living a single iota of doubt then science wins. Fish does not know what is happening outside the aquarium but only knows about what is happening inside the aquarium. The human beings place in this universe is nothing less than the two-dimensional being which exists for its own sake but god has not given him enough power to know beyond this universe. If on the other hand if God does not exist then who will solve the puzzle and can prove that god really did not exist and that there was no divine act here. In fact only what we can do is just ponder over it and come with different explanations. Quantum mechanics is the study of the very small that is quantum laws applies to very small constituents of the universe. The quarks are like dancing in the universe. The god Shiva creates the universe and gives it life with the water coming from his hairs. By drawing parallel with this analogy the universes could be having their own life thereby undergoing destruction and re-origination. These are called cycles where universes undergo birth and death till eternity. What was there at the time of creation was the quantum physics and thus if god started the creation then he must know quantum physics because with the help of the quantum laws that our universe came about. Creation of such forces is possible today? It will need some imaginary conditions of temperature and pressure to create such forces. So a programmer named god created our universe but that justifies that god does exists. There gained momentum for the new discoveries in this new emerging field. Many classical physicists just ignored the quantum theory holding that everything is already discovered and that the quantum theory looked absurd. There have been many developments in this science till now and physicists are still searching for deeper mysteries in the quantum world the recent work on Higgs boson is an example. Perhaps there are unknown deep mysteries obscured by god in his act of creation that is still unknown to the human being. Big Bang theory explains how chaos prevailed and the quantum laws helped brought about the big bang. The matter that emerged from the big bang gave rise to the galaxies, galaxies in turn gave rise to the stars, stars in turn gave rise to planets and finally planets gave rise to life and life gave rise to humans. What a time where a part of matter is asking itself as to where it came from? One wise person would answer that matter came from matter and nowhere else but when asked to find the source of matter he might get perplexed. If there are multiple universes then in some other universe there is different variety of matter that instead of atoms there are phantoms and instead of nuclei there are cylindrical nucleus while electrons are inside nucleus while protons are revolving around the nucleus. It is possible that their way of thinking is entirely different from the humans. God is an imaginary construct formed by human beings to support their emotional and faith and beliefs. God is god for those who want it but there are also people in this world who deny his existence. .

"Space Shuttle Atlantis Crew Celebrates Teamwork"

"Space Shuttle Atlantis Crew Celebrates Teamwork",. Before leaving Runway 22 at Edwards Air Force Base, Commander Scott Altman made a brief statement regarding how happy all of the astronauts were to be back on earth. Landing here just felt great to everybody. Altman was pointing out the exceptional teamwork involved primarily due to the fact that the focus of the mission was to repair and upgrade the Hubble Telescope and expand its range and life for another five years. Atlantis was originally set to land at Cape Canaveral in Florida, but due to bad weather and cross winds from earlier storms, touchdown of the Space Shuttle was delayed and re-routed to California. 3 million miles at the speed of 18,000 miles per hour at times, the mission was named a success due to exceptional teamwork of all involved. But yet, it's usually at the bottom of the list of business owners and managers when mapping out the road to the company's success. There are many ideas, many concepts, many experiments and many failures needed to find triumph in any business venture. Imagine how important of a role it is for the person installing the landing gear on the Atlantis to make sure they do their job efficiently and without flaw. No matter what the job or how small the detail may seem to appear, every last job plays an essential role in the success of the mission. Everyone has a role to play and everyone must assume the responsibility to completely fulfill their role. Building you're a successful team has three primary components: 1) Build a strong team foundation 2) Create the system by creating the vision 3) Implement the system by celebrating the success of the team The astronauts are the stars of each and every mission, but remember as Commander Altman pointed out, it took the entire team to complete a successful mission. And remember, once the mission is final; don't forget to celebrate your successes with your team! .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Our Universal Address-the Solar System"

"Our Universal Address-the Solar System"," We may live apart in terms of street, city, and even nation, but we all have a common address, the Solar System! How did the solar system come into existence? It is generally believed that it emerged from a gaseous cloud several billion years ago and planets, an important component of the system, were formed out of this gaseous cloud and its dust. It is now a dwarf planet. The Sun is a bright star and exudes heat and light through nuclear fusion. A planet, according to the IAU, is a spherical object that orbits the Sun. Today, there are eight recognized planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The Earth's natural satellite is the Moon. The former are rocky, have minerals and metals, have few or no natural satellites, and don't have rings. Dwarf planets are also spherical objects orbiting the Sun, but unlike planets their surroundings don't have to be clear of smaller celestial bodies. Small solar system bodies include asteroids and comets. Asteroids are mainly found in the region between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is the largest asteroid. Comets that have orbits less than 200 years, such as, Halley's Comet are known as short-period comets, while those with orbits spanning thousands of years are known as long period comets. Technological advances in the form of telescope and spacecraft have helped scientists to obtain a lot of information about the solar system. And you are wrong if you thought only astronomers and scientists looked through the telescope, it's a hobby for thousands of people! . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST THIS ONCE  

"Solar System Facts"

"Solar System Facts","5 billion years ago, a huge cloud of cosmic gas and dust banged and the solar system came into existence. The temperature at its core is about 16 million degrees kelvin (K) and it radiates 383 billion trillion kilowatts per second. Mercury experiences temperature extremes, varying from 200 ° C during daytime to a frigid -400 ° C at night. The cloudy planet of Venus has acid rain and carbon dioxide skies that hide our view of its surface. The changing seasons on the earth is the result of its 23 degrees tilted rotation on its axis. Olympus Mons, on the surface of Mars, is the largest known volcano in the solar system. First among the gas giants, Jupiter, with more satellites than any other planet, has no solid surface except for a small rocky core. Among its 31 known natural satellites, Titan is the largest. When other planets spin on an axis perpendicular to the plane of the solar system, Uranus' axis is parallel. Neptune is home to some of the fastest windstorms in the solar system. Pluto, 2,360 km in diameter, is a lone icy planet, the only planet not yet visited by a spacecraft. 7 earth years and it rotates in the reverse direction as that of other planets. 

"Solar System Models"

"Solar System Models"," Various models explain how the system has evolved and how it might end billions of years from now. Vivid illustrations of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets are made alive using symbolic models. The materials can be purchased from websites or can be procured locally, as kits are available. These missions also communicate impressions of the solar system through maps, 3D models of planetary bodies, and the spacecraft. However, most are inventive in nature cannot be used for scientific analysis. The sun, which is only an average star, is the center of attraction of planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as satellites of the planets, comets, asteroids and meteoroids. . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  


"Solar System Pictures"

"Solar System Pictures"," NASA and various such aerospace researchers have shared the breathtaking ""out-of-the-world"" pictures with all and sundry. Solar system pictures are now a widely developed area on account of the availability of sharp and vivid images of specified solar system objects. For example, the web version of Welcome to the Planets, among a multitude of other sites, has new planetary images, taken by various space missions, including the Mars Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor, and Galileo and Cassini spacecraft. Print-outs can be obtained by paying amounts starting at $7 plus $5 handling charges. Another picture courtesy of the Hubble telescope shows Mars kicking up the dust as it comes the closest to Earth. Hubble even made a movie of Neptune's Dynamic Atmosphere. There are solar eclipse images showing the structure of the sun, which is the most prominent feature in the solar system. 3 million earths. Thanks to them, these can be now obtained or downloaded. 


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