Friday, June 8, 2012

Space Travel

"Space Travel - Human Innate Bonding to ELF - Extremely Low Frequencies of Planet Earth"," How do we know this? We know because insanity seems to very often coincide with mental illness.

There have been many studies on how to deal with these things.
 New materials are being explored to prevent break up in the event of severe space weather.
 Loneliness and stir crazy issues which could lead to severe psychological break downs can be complimented with communication and with VR simulations and have been a problem with the MIR and International Space Stations with regards to personal items and personal space which appears to be innate.
 Closter phobia seems to be a gene that not all people have a lot and can be screened for, so this risk can also be reduced.

Earth's Frequency is 8.
 Gene Rodenbury showed the Star Trek crews needing to find planets like Earth and this would become their new Utopia.
 Cryogenics seem to be the answer for this, but even after the human travelers reach the final destination, will they have issues with the Extremely Low Frequencies of the planet they get to, being different? Will this affect their sanity? When Astronauts come back they have this need to kiss the ground like sailors.
 But once you leave the Earths gravitational field, then what?

Deep Space should have many surprises for us, literal freedom from a Planet, which has kept our species locked in for our entire existence.
 Not knowing if they can ever return? Will it take two years to break the cycle? Will the brain work right, without the constant ELF or gravity over time? Will it work better? What other functions will be hurt by zero gravity and knowing you may never step back on the planet? Will the brain change its natural energy flow, frequency, what will this change? Changing the flow of thought in the human brain due to the bondage breaking could change much.

Can we mimic the ELF inside the space capsule or modify the sounds and beats of electrical impulse to help the astronaut’s system function.

Could the military use this technique to have personnel perform for longer hours without loss of concentration from sleep depravation? Rather than using synthetic drugs or coffee in pilots and those with importance tasks which require much concentration? We see emotional and psychological problems when we take alpha males into confined spaces, same with rats in cages over populated, more crime happens as well as tremendously different sexual behavior in highly populated apartment complexes.
 Now we discuss putting people in space and sending them for lots of years, maybe generations in space, where the original astronauts will perish and the grandkids may actually reach the destination.
 Then we through in the imbalances of the ELF impulses of their home planet and change them with the new planet which will be different.
 Can a human being adapt to such changes? How will it affect their psyche? In one book by Ben Bova he discusses the psychological problems of a paranoid researcher who sabotages the mission and colony.

Although this may sound like a way out thought and unworthy of mention since it appears on the surface to be way out there, I submit to such a notion that we recently found again that we could not take the beast out of the Tiger even with the great Sigfield and Roy at the Mirage.
 Now we are talking about taking people, human beings to foreign worlds, not foreign lands to kill the yellow mans (Springfield Song).
 We cannot even get the Catholic Church or Pope to agree that birth control is the only way to stop some of the millions of children who die every year of malnutrition and starvation.
 It appears we are having a hard time taking the beast out of our own animal.

And also if other species visit this planet they will need those things they consider important here.
 Will their minds function differently and if so which is most probable, will it be for better or worse, will it cause psychosis? We study the mental disorders in this country and others with white papers on every single possibility.
 With a little genetic mitochondria DNA modification we maybe able to eliminate this issue and allow the human biological system to function at full capacity and the brain to be quite content and alleviate the problems associated with Human-Planet Bond? Soon we will be able to identify life forms nearby by monitoring frequencies know to be present in the brains of different species.
 Such as use of a cell phone, near the magnetic field or those of us who pass under electrical lines and can feel a frequency change.

All this is real.
 Maybe even set it free and a wonderful sensation could take place and more powers that are within us will be released.
 It is obviously more powerful than we understand thus we should be studying this more as we decide to embark in exploration and colonization of other planets.                        CHECK THIS OUT  

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