"Space Travel"," This area is called exploration.
Generally there are three means of exploring the space.
But it cannot go very high.
There are several stages or sections in each rocket so that each may be dropped off after its fuel has been spent and thus reducing the total weight of the ascending rocket.
These are metallic spheres which contain various instruments.
These rockets put them into the desired orbit.
In the race of space exploration, both Russia and America are competing partners.
Russia launched on 3rd November, 1957, its second satellite in the space known as Sputnik 11 which carried a dog named Laika.
The dog returned to the earth alive.
put into orbit its first satellite called Explore 1.
It traveled round the earth at the height of 1,000 miles with a speed of 19,000 miles per hour.
A Russian astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, was the first man to get into space in April, 1961, and he came back to the earth safe and sound.
It was on the 20th of July 1969, Neil Armstrong, a citizen of the U. S A.
He planted a banner of his country with these words that it was the first step of U. S.A.
This heralded the victory of man over time and space and ushered a new era in the apace explorations.
Space travel is one of the great wonders of science.

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