"Space Exploration - A Historical View of Why We Send Men Even If Robots Can Do the Same Job"," Back at the time when the earth as we know it consisted of only Europe, a vast sea, four elephants and a giant turtle, man has yearned to see the farthest reaches of the world.
On the economic side, there is the possibility for discovering new sources of raw materials.
On the social side, there is this permeating national pride that stems from a navigational achievement.
When the United States finally achieved it, the race went to another level that is more than just for the sake of human curiosity.
However, with the advancement of automated technology, every perceivable task that a human being could do can now be done by machines, except for the procreation, which has nothing to do with fixing satellites anyway.
They see this purportedly outdated practice as a capricious and unnecessarily costly.
The mere fact that a country announces that it will send a person in space sends a strong signal to the international community that the country has money to burn.
Furthermore, sending people to space also gives a message to everyone else that the country is technologically more capable than everyone else, that is has a pool of talented and creative manpower, than can turn into reality what was formerly a figment of imagination.
Military deterrence and social clout, these are the reasons behind why the government insists on doing what seems to be absurd.

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