"Space Exploration and Peace in the Middle East","
In doing so, those who currently oppose us, for instance Iran, might dump their nuclear weapons program, agree on robust inspections, and then join their goal of a ""100-points of Light"" and technological advances with the global space community.
Okay so, regarding Space Flight, well, that's already happening too, remember the whole PR fiasco with the NASA Administrator talking about Middle Eastern futures with international space technologies? Well, we are looking into that, meanwhile space landing and launching bases are already being built in Dubai and other places just as Virgin Space Corp built the space base in New Mexico and they've already fired off rockets, satellite launches, to help make some money.
I'd like to do everything I can to see that we have friendly technology use in a common goal of innovation and discover, but I do fear the dual uses of rockets, satellites, missiles, and space technology for weapons of war.
Still, it worked with the Russians right? We now participate at the ISS and the Russians and EU are working on a Mars human habitat mission for the future, I say great!
In fact, nearly everything my acquaintance had suggested is being done, or at least they are being looked at.
The Kingdom will be challenged from within if they do not lower unemployment and assist in economic development from within.
I'd like to see more freedom in the Kingdom and perhaps a steady pace towards more freedom and liberty towards women, I hope that slow change can be allowed to continue, and prosperity can result so other neighboring nations will follow suit.
Please consider all this. If you like this blog and song I sing please hit like and share with someone thank you so much Ron

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