Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Make Your Own Space Rocket

"Make Your Own Space Rocket"," There are telescopes that help us to get a closer look at space while our feet remain firmly planted on the ground.
 And then there are rockets or space capsules that send astronauts into space to explore things first hand.
 In the paragraphs that follow, you will be able to read more about how you can make your own space rocket crafts to learn more about the expanses of space.
 You will also want to make sure that you have the appropriate safety materials handy such as a parent who can supervise and safety glasses.
 You may cut it to make a short rocket or cut it in a way that will make a long body of the rocket.
 You can try both and see which one flies better.
 Try a sharp nosecone or a blunt nosecone.
 Once you have finished cutting out the paper for your rocket, wrap and tape the tube of paper around the film canister, making sure that you tape the canister lid-end down to the end of the paper before you start wrapping.
 Next, roll out the circle cut-out for the nosecone and tape it to the rocket's top.
 Launching your rocket outdoors and in a field away from trees and power lines is ideal You also want to put on your safety glasses at this point.
 Fill the canister one-third full of water.
 As the pressure from the fizzing tablet builds, eventually it will become too much for the canister to hold and the rocket will take off when all that built up energy from the canister is released.
 Use this craft as an activity to follow a lesson on astronomy, astronauts and space travel.


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