"The Speed of Light - Not As Fast As You Thought!","something we don't consider much in our daily lives.
there it is.
After all, years of calculations and data have been accumulated that specifically relies on this ""speed"" to be CONSTANT.
It wasn't until fifty years later, after much heated debate and discussion that Bradley's independent paper in 1729 confirmed that this speed was finite, astronomically fast, but finite.
Primitive calculations and methods you say, but one person's calculations were performed with the same equipment at a later period and the result was diminished.
Arguments and debate ensued until October 1983 when it was DECLARED that the speed of light was a universal constant of 299,792.
This conclusion was determined so as to qualify science's explanations of how the universe worked.
If the speed of light is slowing then our atomic clocks are slowing.
None of his literature and curriculum studies even suggested such a dilemma.
Several years later, working with Trevor Norman of Flinders University, Adelaide and after Stanford University had sniffed out the work they were conducting they published a paper ""Atomic Constants, Light and Time"".
""Under attack by both evolutionists and creationists for their work, Norman and Setterfield found themselves writing long articles of defense, which appeared in a number of issues of creation journals.
Their defense of the paper and the statistical use of the data was then published in a scientific journal [Galilean Electrodynamics, Vol.
5, pp.
, 1993] and Montgomery went on to present a public defense at the 1994 International Creation Conference.
Interestingly enough, later in 1987, after the Norman-Setterfield paper was published, another paper on light speed appeared, written by a Russian, V.
Troitskii [""Physical Constants and the Evolution of the Universe"", Astrophysics and Space Science Vol.
Troitskii not only postulated that the speed of light had not been constant, but that light speed had originally been about 1010 times faster than now.
If then, light was 1010 TIMES faster than now, consider the so called billions of years of time calculated for the age of the earth and indeed the universe.

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